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Lack of A Nutrient Intensifies Symptoms of Autism

As I have discussed in previous articles, autism is a behavior-based disease and a biological disease. The critical point here is that biology drives behavior in autism. In other words, imbalances in the body like inflammation or low energy production in their cells promote unwanted behavior in autism.

One of the characteristics of autism is a high level of multiple deficiencies of nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Low levels of these nutrients increase the presence of autistic behavior.

Vitamin A deficiency Increases Symptoms of Autism

In a clinical study published in the journal Pediatric Research, a total of 323 autistic children were compared to 180 typical children without autism.

The scientist discovered that vitamin A deficiency intensifies behavioral problems and that lack of vitamin A is related to constipation and gastrointestinal issues in autism. Research has already confirmed that vitamin A is a critical nutrient for a healthy gut.

The whole health care team and parents should be not only focusing on behavior but which nutrient is deficient or which area is out of balance that can promote altered behavior in autism. Remember, biology drives behavior. Therefore, a fundamental deficiency like vitamin A can be critical for better symptoms in autistic children.

Some of the sources of vitamin A are sweet potatoes, liver, carrots, eggs, pumpkin, and butternut squash.

Have a great week,

David Rivas

P.S. If you are interested in a nutritional approach roadmap for autism, my book Resilient Brain is available on Amazon. Nutrition has transformed my son, diagnosed with severe autism and difficult symptoms like aggression, self-injury behavior, lack of attention, and focus, into a child doing great in school and playing multiple sports.

Here is the link for Resilient Brain:


Cheng, B., Zhu, J., Yang, T., Guo, M., Lai, X., Li, Q., ... & Li, T. (2021). Vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of gastrointestinal comorbidity and exacerbates core symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatric Research, 89(1), 211-216.

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