The presence of chronic inflammation is a well-evident in autism. But, can inflammation decrease sleep in autism, and other illnesses? Inflammation is linked to many chronic diseases, and its regulation is critical for any improvements in symptoms.
The Journal of Pineal Research performed a clinical trial in children (4-14 years old) with autism and were compared with healthy kids (1).
Inflammation markers like TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) were significantly higher at night in children with autism than in healthy kids. At the same time, there was a reduction in melatonin production at night in children with autism compared with non-autistic kids.
Previous studies have demonstrated that higher levels of inflammation decrease the production of melatonin in the body. This study confirms that higher levels of inflammation diminish melatonin production and can promote a lack of sleep in children affected by the spectrum.
In other words, the whole body is connected. So you have to see the body as interconnected, and each system affects other areas.
Are you having sleep issues with or without autism? First, check your levels of inflammation.
Diet can increase or decrease inflammation, depending on your food selection.
Are you eating inflammatory or anti-inflammatory?
These are all valid questions that need to be addressed if you are having sleeping issues.
Have a great day,
David Rivas
PD: By the way, do you know anybody affected with autism or who would like to learn about nutrition suggestions that you should do or avoid for optimal wellness. I have a Free-Report of nutrition tips and mistakes in autism. Here is the link:
(1): Da Silveira Cruz‐Machado, S., Guissoni Campos, L. M., Fadini, C. C., Anderson, G., Markus, R. P., & Pinato, L. (2021). Disrupted nocturnal melatonin in autism: Association with tumor necrosis factor and sleep disturbances. Journal of Pineal Research, 70(3), e12715.